This past Monday we emailed, shopped, and went out to work. Shortly before it was time to turn in, we ran into a man who was extremely eager to talk to us. Sadly, he was only there to try and convince us that he was right and we were wrong. We sat politely listening, testified, and then left. That was about all we could do.
Tuesday we had District Meeting, which was really good. Then on our way home, a lady called us over and asked us to pray for her son, who is struggling in life right now. She also expressed a desire to come to church with us, which hopefully we will be able to make happen this next week. Later that day we also picked up a new investigator named Clarance, a nice retired man, who although active in his church, admires what we do and is actually interested in our message. Exciting!
Wednesday we did service at a food pantry, which is always fun. Later that day, we were walking, and a man walked out behind us. We almost didn't talk to him, but we ended up going over and talking to him. It turns out that he has a daughter who is a member, and his father just recently passed away. He said that we were welcome to stop by sometime and share more about Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon with him. That evening we had a Bible Study at our Ward Mission Leader's home. He holds one every Wednesday evening as a way to help fellowship recent converts, nonmembers, and less actives.
Thursday was full of stopping by to visit people and contacting lots more people.
Friday, we helped clean out the mission storage unit, full of furniture, mattresses, and odds and ends, which was fun.
Saturday, we talked to this girl on the bus who was reading a very large book on Mozart. Apparently she is extremely interested in classical music, so it was fun to be able to connect with someone on that level. Better yet, she was even interested in the Book of Mormon and what we share! We had Coordination meeting, where we found that we had contacted (talked to/invited to learn more about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ) 160 people this past week! It was great! Later that day we ran into a super nice young couple. They weren't too interested in learning more, but it was really nice to have someone at least reject us nicely. haha
Sunday Brother Robinson was confirmed, which was wonderful to see. I also played "Oh How Lovely was the Morning," in Sacrament Meeting, which went very well. We also met with a couple other Part-member families later that day.
It has been a great week!
The theme of our Sacrament Meeting yesterday was D&C 4:2, which is the Youth theme for this year:
Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all yor heart, might, mind and stregt h, that ye may stand blamelss before God at the last day.
What a great reminder that as we truly dedicate our lives to God, that we truly can be forgiven of our sins and receive all that he has to offer.
I love this work, and I love all of you!
The Church is True!
Elder Fullmer
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