Tuesday, May 12, 2015

week 37

We had a really good week this week. The past few weeks we have really been focusing on finding and talking to people, but this past week we have seen a shift from finding to teaching, which is exciting to see.

Monday we played basketball for about an hour and a half, which was a blast. It felt super good to just run around and release some energy. That evening we met with Clarance, an investigator we picked up about a week ago. We taught him the Restoration, which went extremely well. The Spirit was definitely there, and he really has an open heart and a willing mind.

Tuesday we had District Meeting in the morning, and then that evening we went to visit a part member family that we're working with.

Wednesday morning we did service at a food pantry and then met up with the other Elders in our District to do exchanges. Elder Brown, the District Leader, was in Maryland Heights with me, and it was a great exchange. We picked up a new investigator named Ira, an older man who already had a Book of Mormon and was interested in learning more. The lesson went really well, and we're hoping to see him again this next week. We also talked to this really nice lady named Robin for about a half hour just out on her front steps. We should be going back to see her this week as well.

Thursday we taught Ron again, and we're really trying to get him involved and engaged in what we're teaching. He's pretty apathetic about most things, so hopefully we can help him find his purpose through the gospel. That evening we taught a really nice man named David, who just recently moved into the area. He said he had talked to missionaries around 20 years ago and didn't remember much, but was willing to learn more. We had an amazing lesson with him, and the Spirit was super strong. We are really excited to see him progress.

Friday morning we planned for our week and then taught the Walls, a part member family in our ward

Saturday evening we got to go to Stake Conference, which was wonderful. Elder Renland of the 70 was there, and he really had some amazing stories. I also ran into a family named the Parks, who I guess was pretty close to my family when we used to live in St. Louis. I vaguely remembered them, but it was still fun to finally meet someone who remembered me!

Sunday we had another session of Stake Conference, which also was great. One of the speakers spoke about how each of us uses the gifts that God has bestowed upon us. Do we embrace them or lay them to the side and not use them? He pointed out 4 very important gifts that each of us has been given: agency, laws and commandments, time, and the Atonement. It was some really good food for thought. 
One thing that Elder Renland talked a lot about on Sunday was the importance of being grateful. He pointed out a portion of King Benjamin's address found in Mosiah 4:11-12: "And again say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye havknown of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and havreceived remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so would that ye should remember, and always retaiin remembrance, the greatnesof God, and your own nothingnessand his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humilitycalling on the name othe Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which waspoken by the mouth of the angel.
 12 And behold, say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and alwayretain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.
What a wonderful promise that as we remember God and all that He has done for us, we will ALWAYS rejoice. That principle is so true.

I love this work, and I love all of you!

The Church is True!


Elder Fullmer

Inline image 1

Peter is serving in Maryland Heights and he found this sign. He was happy to find this for Sarah and Jeremy who live in Baltimore, Maryland!

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